General Course

This course is the standard course provided by the Center for Japanese Language Education for students who will study Japanese along with their research activities.

International students and foreign researchers who are currently affiliated with the University of Tokyo are eligible to take the classes. Some classes are also open to spouses of international students and foreign researchers.

The classes start every year in April and October. The offered classes and schedules vary depending on the semester. Please check the latest course information on the Course Calendar for confirmation.

Please check the Course Level Guide for the minimum level required to take the course.

General Course is divided into six levels, ranging from Introductory (Level 1) to Advanced (Level 5). Please determine yourself the level of the course you will take based on the results of the placement test that is offered on the Center’s website.

The course is divided into two tracks, Comprehensive Japanese and Specific Japanese.

Comprehensive Japanese

Fundamentally, classes primarily focus on oral communication (speaking and listening). Levels 1 through 5 serve as the base classes for each level. In these classes, students use textbooks tailored to their respective levels for learning. Additionally, there is optional classes with more advanced and applied content.
With consideration for students’ busy schedules such as research and preparation for entrance exams, there are no homework
Classes at each level are offered every term, so students who work hard can start from Level 1 and move up one level every semester to reach Advanced.

*The ★ before the course name indicates that it is the base for that level.

Japanese proficiency levels required* Japanese proficiency levels studied Name of class No. of lessons per week No. of students per class Eligibility for spouses
【Level 1】 Lower elementary ★[General] Level 1 2 About 20
 [General] Level 1 Application Practice 1
【Level 2】 Upper elementary ★[General] Level 2 2
 [General] Level 2 Application Practice 1
 [General] Level 2 Read & Talk 1
【Level pre3】 Elementary to intermediate ★[General] Level pre3 2
 [General] Level pre3 Read & Talk 1
【Level 3】 Lower intermediate ★[General] Level 3 Grammar for Daily Use 2
 [General] Level 3 Read & Talk 1
【Level 4】 Upper intermediate ★[General] Level 4 2  
【Level 5】 Advanced ★[General] Level 5 1  

*proficiency determined from the Center’s level check

Class description for each level

Name of class Description
[General] Level 1

Class for Japanese beginners. Students study the basic structure and vocabulary of Japanese, and aim to become able to do simple communication. The lifestyle of international students and foreign researchers is considered in the materials used in class, and what students learn will connect to their everyday lives in Japan.


  1. In Level 1, knowledge of hiragana is not required at the start of the course. However, to efficiently progress in subsequent learning, we strongly recommend becoming proficient in hiragana (at least reading). As hiragana is not covered in the class, please utilize resources such as the Center's web content to self-master hiragana as a rough guide within two weeks after the start of the course. Additionally, the optional class 'Application Practice' provides support for hiragana proficiency during the initial several weeks."
  2. This class does not primarily focus on teaching characters, especially kanji. Students who are interested in kanji or who wish to proceed to more advanced classes should sign up for the Kanji class, for example, 'Kanji 1' in the Specific Japanese of the General Course, or 'Kanji First Step' in the Special Themed Seminar.
  3. Due to the students’ learning stage, explanations will be provided in English, but please be aware that this course is not intended to explain all the content solely in English. Actively listening to and speaking Japanese in class will help improve your Japanese proficiency. 
[General] Level 2

Class for upper-level beginners in Japanese. Students study grammar and vocabulary suitable for this level and aim to become able to do more complicated communication than in Level 1. The lifestyle of international students and foreign researchers is considered in the materials used in class, and what students learn will connect to their everyday lives in Japan.


  1. In Level 2, the class is designed for students who are expected to be able to read hiragana and katakana. 
  2. This class does not teach kanji characters. Students who are interested in kanji or who wish to proceed to more advanced classes should sign up for the Kanji class.
  3. Because of the students’ learning stage, explanations will be provided in English, but please be aware that this course is not intended to explain all the content solely in English. Actual listening to and speaking Japanese in class will help improve your Japanese proficiency.
  4. For those who want to review and further practice the material learned in the base course, we recommend taking the optional class 'Application Practice.' Additionally, if you're interested in simple reading comprehension primarily based on hiragana and discussing topics related to it, we recommend the optional class 'Read & Talk.'
[General] Level pre3 Class for students who have finished the beginners’ class and who want to firm up their beginning Japanese ability; refine their communication and listening; and move smoothly into the intermediate class. Many students feel the intermediate class is difficult to understand or teaches new things that cannot be immediately applied in everyday life; this class is offered to help students advance smoothly from beginner to intermediate.
The focus in the base course is primarily on oral skills. For those who wish to engage in reading comprehension, kanji, and vocabulary, we recommend taking the optional class 'Read & Talk.'
[General] Level 3 Class for lower intermediate learners of Japanese. Students study grammar and vocabulary suitable for this level and aim to improve their communication skills. The main tasks will be listening and speaking. For those who wish to engage in reading comprehension, kanji, and vocabulary, we recommend taking the optional class 'Read & Talk.'
[General] Level 4 Class for Japanese upper intermediate learners who want to get close to the advanced level. Students study grammar suitable for this level, with connections to real-life communication. They also practice dialogues, listening (using TV/radio programs, etc.), and reading (using books, magazines, etc.) with the aim of improving their comprehensive Japanese skills.
[General] Level 5 Class for advanced Japanese learners. Students read texts and watch TV programs about contemporary Japan that are suitable for this level; discuss those materials; and study grammar and vocabulary that appear in the materials. By so doing, students aim to raise their comprehensive Japanese skills even higher.

Specific Japanese

Specific Japanese includes Kanji, Japanese for Communication, and other classes, with one session per week. It is possible to take these classes separately or in addition to Comprehensive Japanese.

Name of class Japanese proficiency levels studied Japanese proficiency levels required* No. of lessons per week No. of students per class Eligibility for spouses
[General] Kanji I Lower elementary Level 1 1 20
[General] KanjiⅡ Upper elementary Level 2 or higher 1
[General] Intermediate Japanese for Communication Ⅰ Lower intermediate Level 3 or higher 1  
[General] Intermediate Japanese for Communication Ⅱ Upper intermediate Level 4 or higher 1  
[General] KAIWA DOOJYOO Upper intermediate Level 4 or higher 1  
[General] Advanced Japanese for Communication Advanced Level 5or higher 1  
[General] Japanese Culture and Society Advanced Level 5 or higher 1  

*proficiency determined from the Center’s level check

Class description

Name of class Description
[General] Kanji I

Kanji for beginners starting from zero. This class is for students who have never studied kanji before. To cultivate an eye for looking at kanji, students will learn how to see their shapes, structures, ideographic elements, radicals (bushu), and origin. They will also learn the basic kanji characters (approx. 150). In this way, students will aim to become able to guess the meanings of kanji that they encounter for the first time and to become able to study more kanji characters on their own.


  1. This course is designed for learners who have not studied kanji before. This course is not suitable for learners with a background in kanji, particularly those who have knowledge of the characters used in Chinese, and they will not be allowed to enroll even if they are beginners in Japanese.
  2. You can enroll in this course even if your Japanese language level is beginner at the time of enrollment. However, the class will generally follow the learning progression of the General Course Comprehensive: Level 1, with some Japanese language used during the lessons.
[General] Kanji Ⅱ

The next step for kanji learners. This class is for students who already know about 150 to 200 kanji characters and want to increase the number of kanji that they can use. We help students learn 400 to 500 new kanji characters, focusing on their shape, meaning, and usage. Through learning kanji, students will also aim to acquire more Japanese vocabulary.


  1. Students eligible to take this class must fulfill both qualifications:
     a) Those who understand about 150+ kanji characters (for example, about 60%+ of Basic Kanji Book vol. I (Bonjinsha)).
     b) Those who have enough Japanese ability to understand lectures held in basic Japanese.
  2. If your level is deemed unsuitable during the first class, we may advise you to withdraw from the course.
[General] Intermediate Japanese for Communication I

Class to learn how to conduct natural conversations in Japanese and to learn expressions useful for communicating with Japanese people in various aspects of daily life, including requests, getting permission, and asking questions. Students will practice speaking Japanese, but the class is NOT intended for free conversation. The curriculum also includes listening comprehension exercises necessary for practicing conversation. The class is for intermediate learners (Comprehensive Japanese Level 3 or above) who can grasp various situations by listening to and reading about them in Japanese.


Even if the Japanese language proficiency level specified in the requirements is met, we may advise changing classes or decline enrollment if the practical language skills (speaking and listening) are not at a suitable level for the learning activities.

[General] Intermediate Japanese for Communication Ⅱ

This class aims to enable students to speak and interact in a way that is closer to native speakers with advanced Japanese expressions and conversation in various aspects of everyday life, including requests, getting permission, and explaining reasons. In addition, students consider the difference between their knowledge of Japanese and the actual Japanese used in conversation, and they practice speaking using more natural expressions. While students practice speaking Japanese, the class is NOT intended for free conversation. Students must have intermediate to advanced knowledge of Japanese (Comprehensive Japanese Level 4 or above) and be able to express their opinions in Japanese.


Even if the Japanese language proficiency level specified in the requirements is met, we may advise changing classes or decline enrollment if the practical language skills (speaking and listening) are not at a suitable level for the learning activities.


This class is designed for those at an intermediate or higher level who have few opportunities to use Japanese in daily life or who have learned to speak only through self-study and lack confidence in their speaking ability. It focuses specifically on improving spoken communication skills. The course simulates various situations where one is required to speak in structured Japanese, such as in research labs, club activities, and job hunting. Through different types of practice, such as "summarizing concisely," "responding accurately to questions," and "expanding conversations based on the listener's input," participants will strengthen their practical speaking skills. Rather than simply engaging in free conversation, this course serves as a training ground—a "DOOJOO (道場)"—for developing spoken proficiency, aiming to cultivate a way of speaking that effectively conveys one's message and enables more refined interactions.
For those interested in learning about the underlying characteristics of Japanese communication, such as differences in thought processes and discourse structures, we recommend taking the separately offered Intermediate Communication II course.

[General] Advanced Japanese for Communication

This class aims to enable students to speak and interact in a way that is native-like, using advanced Japanese expressions and engaging in conversations across various aspects of everyday life, including making requests, seeking permission, and explaining reasons. In addition, students consider the difference between their knowledge of Japanese and the actual Japanese used in conversation, and they practice speaking using more natural expressions. While students practice speaking Japanese, the class is NOT intended for free conversation. Participants are expected to possess advanced knowledge of Japanese (at least Comprehensive Japanese Level 5 or above) and should be capable of expressing their opinions sufficiently in Japanese.


Even if the Japanese language proficiency level specified in the requirements is met, we may advise changing classes or decline enrollment if the practical language skills (speaking and listening) are not at a suitable level for the learning activities.

[General] Japanese Culture and Society This course is beyond the advanced level and is designed for those who already have a high proficiency in Japanese and want to further refine and master their language skills. The course utilizes various reading materials, videos, and other resources related to Japanese culture and society. Based on in-depth comprehension of these materials, students will be required to have sufficient Japanese language ability to engage in discussions with classmates and teachers. The course will not focus heavily on grammar or expressions, so those who feel uncertain about their Japanese proficiency are advised to take the Comprehensive Level 5.

Comments from Previous Students

総合日本語 / Comprehensive Japanese

Teachers were very good, friendly, and helpful. The lessons were very efficient and related to daily conversation. (Elementary)


The study material given was excellent and faculty were very cooperative. (Elementary)


Vivid classes with communicating with classmates concerning the most practical situations. These experiences are helpful for acquiring the basic Japanese language and for facilitating the daily life. (Elementary)


I like the level of the content of this course. I found it very helpful to practice my speaking skills and to listen to the teachers speaking in Japanese. The teachers are very nice and very patient and give us students a good environment to learn. (Elementary)

このコースの内容のレベルが気に入っています。 スピーキングスキルを練習したり、日本語で先生が話すのを聞いたりするのはとても役に立ちました。 先生たちはとても優しく、とても忍耐強く、学習するのに良い環境を与えてくれます。(初級)

The online Zoom classes are very helpful and convenient for studying and learning Japanese! Your teaching styles and delivery of lectures are very excellent. (Intermediate)

Zoomによるオンラインの授業は、日本語の学習にとても役に立って便利でした! 授業の教え方や進め方もとてもよかったです。(中級)

ネイティブ日本人の視点から表現を本当に細かい部分まで解説しています。 多くを学んだ。(中級)

The teacher explains expressions in great detail from a native Japanese perspective. I learned a lot.(Intermediate)


The teacher's thorough preparation for the class motivated me and was helpful for my daily life as well.(Intermediate)


One positive aspect of the class was that after analyzing each news article we discussed its content as a group.(Advanced)


I think it was beneficial that the teacher taught not only the content of the textbook but also referenced grammar and sentence flow using examples. (Advanced)

The course was very helpful. I liked that it catered to busy students/researchers who might not have time to do homework outside of class, yet still made the most of class time so that we could learn together.(Advanced)


テーマ別日本語 / Specific Japanese


The teacher is enthusiastic and kind and makes the classes interesting, so I learned a lot of different things. I often use what I've studied in the lab. Thank you very much. (Intermediate Japanese Communication)


I received detailed guidance on subtle differences in expressions. Since I was given enough practice time, too, I was able to develop my speaking skills naturally.(Intermediate Japanese Communication)


The teacher provided detailed explanations of aspects that aren't often emphasized in regular Japanese textbooks, which was very educational for me. I found it very useful in my daily life. (Intermediate Japanese Communication)

It was the best conversation class that I have ever had. I realized many speaking errors that I made, and I was able to correct them after I took the class. The listening part was very helpful as well. It trains my ear to be more familiar with native speaking. The design of the class really helps me improve my language ability. Thank you very much. (Intermediate Japanese Communication)


The teaching quality and the instruction on remembering key points of kanji, their writing and reading, have made it very easy to learn and remember them. In everyday life, it’s a lifesaver. (Kanji)


Good to group kanji of similar readings together ... makes it easier to learn.
Also, progression of class (i.e., firstly learning radicals before moving on to more difficult kanji) is very helpful. (Kanji)


I didn't know any kanji before joining this class. But now I can read and understand lot of kanji characters. The teacher explained very well in a way that we can easily remember the kanji characters. I am very much satisfied with the class and the learning materials and teaching style. (Kanji)



The newspaper articles the teacher introduced to us were very interesting and beneficial. The class content was also very helpful. (Business Japanese)

The topics are all very interesting, and they can help me learn something I might have no chance to encounter as a foreigner. Also, the topics are very specific and close to everyday life, such as museums, benches in parks, 銭湯.... They make me feel deeply connected with the culture here in Japan.(Japanese Culture and Society)


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