Global Liberal Arts Courses
Global Liberal Arts Courses

Global Liberal Arts Courses were established in the spring of 2023 to provide more opportunities for the University of Tokyo students, including its exchange students, to study in English about some of the most imminent social issues facing the world today. In particular, these courses cover a variety of topics relating to the so-called SDGs or sustainable development goals.
The SDGs were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty and protect the planet so that every single individual in this world may live in peace and prosperity by 2030. This may seem like a tall order to many of you, given the degree of environmental destruction and climate change as well as all kinds of social tensions, including devastating military conflicts, that confront today’s world.
But the SDGs are about the real needs of the real people, including all of us, in this world. We cannot simply give up in the face of enormous challenges. Global Liberal Arts Courses will encourage you to reflect on these critical issues and, moreover, articulate your ideas in a constructive way. Along the way, you will learn not only about the SDGs but also ways to present your views in a clear and convincing manner in English.
Because the SDGs encompass many fields and disciplines, Global Liberal Arts Courses are inter- and cross-disciplinary in their orientation. They are designed to enhance your ability to engage in serious and earnest dialogs about the sustainable future of the world across many borders and boundaries.
I hope you will find these courses to be of great significance to you. All of the professors are very much looking forward to welcoming you to their classes!
Yujin Yaguchi
Director, Center for Global Education
Vice President, The University of Tokyo
Introduction video of Global Liberal Arts Courses

Attention to those students who are considering taking GLA Courses!!
In the video, an instructor and students of GLA Courses share the appeal of the courses. There is also a message from the Director of the Center for Global Education (GlobE). Make sure you watch the video to find out what kind of learning experiences you can gain at GlobE, UTokyo. (Video: about 2 minutes 30 seconds)