★New!★ 24 Global Liberal Arts Courses are coming up in 2023 A Semester!
In 2023 A Semester, the Center for Global Education will offer 24 Global Liberal Arts Courses! These courses are open for 2nd-year (in the 4th semester), 3rd-year, and 4th-year undergraduate students, graduate students, and exchange students.We have prepared a variety of options, including courses held at Hongo Campus, Komaba Campus, as well as Online Courses, and Intensive Courses.
Please note that all Global Liberal Arts Courses will be conducted in English. However, even if you don't have much confidence in your English proficiency, we warmly welcome you to actively enroll in these courses!
You can find the list of available courses from here.
*Course registration should be done through UTAS during the designated period set by each college, faculty or graduate school that you belong to.