Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE #13: Talk Event with Mr. Shuzo John Shiota (President and CEO of Polygon Pictures Inc.)

On Wednesday, January 15, Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE #13 featured a talk event with Mr. Shuzo John Shiota, President and CEO of Polygon Pictures Inc. and Professor Mari Yoshihara, Center for Global Education. The moderator was Dr. Dipesh Kharel, Center for Global Education.

The event, titled "Animation as Art and Business in the Global Age," consisted of a dialogue between Mr. Shiota and Professor Yoshihara, followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the participants.

In the first half of the event, Mr. Shiota shared insights into a wide range of topics through his dialogue with Professor Yoshihara, including his career, the global rise of Japanese animation, and its development as both an art form and a business. He spoke about the surprises and challenges he encountered through his experiences growing up and being educated in both Japan and the U.S., his transition from working for a traditional Japanese company to diving into the field of digital animation production, and his reflections on the broader theme of "What is ‘global’ for you?”

In the latter half, the conversation shifted to the participants, where Mr. Shiota addressed a wide range of questions from students, including the motivations behind the various decisions he made throughout his career, as well as his views on digital animation production in the age of AI. Even after the event, many students gathered around Mr. Shiota to ask further questions. In a relaxed atmosphere, the event provided a valuable opportunity for students interested in global careers as well as animation.

About Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE:
Organized by the UTokyo's Center for Global Education (GlobE), this series is part of UTokyo's global education initiatives, designed to foster international understanding and broaden global perspectives among students. It features dialogues between distinguished global leaders and the University's President and Executive Directors.
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