
Project Assistant Professor
Manuel Senna
Academic Background
Senna obtained a Ph.D. in Education with a specialty in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Studies from the University of California (Davis). They also hold a Masters in TESOL and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.
Senna joined the UTokyo faculty in 2021. They are currently researching the impact of LLM AI on university writing course and activity design.
Message to Students
Ich habe keine besondere Begabung, sondern bin nur leidenschaftlich neugierig.
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. (Albert Einstein)
-- Letter to Carl Seelig (11 March 1952), Einstein Archives 39-013
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. (Albert Einstein)
-- Letter to Carl Seelig (11 March 1952), Einstein Archives 39-013